Do You Want More Magic In Midlife? PLUS EXCITING GIVEAWAY!

Looking forward to 2021!

2020 has certainly has been A YEAR…right? Wherever you are in the world, you’ve likely experienced uncertainty, fear, disbelief and much more! I don’t know about you, but I feel changed by my experience of this year, it feels complex and I’m still unpacking and processing it and I appreciate that it’s not quite over yet!

There’s been a necessity to create joyful and fun experiences to get us through! Yet, it’s useful to remind ourselves that we tend to learn more from life’s challenges than we do the easeful and fun times.  

So, what has 2020 stirred up in you? What’s the niggle, the nudge? What is the universe calling you to? Something that you’ve dreamed of birthing, of changing or transforming, BUT it never feels like the right time. What has risen to the surface to be reevaluated and reflected upon?

How are you being called to show up for yourself in 2021?

To celebrate the New Year and start of 2021. I’m VERY excited to announce my giveaway! This is a competition where one amazing  midlife woman will win a FREE 12 week coaching series!


Lessons Learned 2020 Year Of Plenty

In all honesty it was not the year that any of us had envisioned.

We’ve fluctuated between many challenging and soothing emotions such as fear, love, isolation, anxiety, peace, gratitude, uncertainty, confusion and thankfully - HOPE.

It’s been a bumpy ride!

The importance of self-care, and the care of others, has been essential, within all areas of our mental, physical and emotional health. A need to amplify the good and clear out the rubbish! I have certainly upped my self-care routine and cleared out that which no longer serves me or in fact impedes me.

We awakened to the importance in generating nourishing, enlightening and purposeful lives and the shift away from the old paradigm that is no longer working for us. All that is insincere and no longer serves us is outta here…Well, frankly do you have space or energy for it?

I feel that 2020 has been the year of plenty. Plenty on lessons and insights that is! It’s been a great teacher and awakener. I invite you to embrace midlife in 2021 and to be open to making the second half the better half!  Who’s with me? Do I hear an Awomen!

Looking back to look forward

It’s time. Time to reevaluate our lives and acknowledge that, although we hope there is “still life in the ‘ole gal yet” (as my mum would say) that there’s likely less time in front of us than behind us.  If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that everything is temporary and change is inevitable.

Let’s make it count for ourselves, our families and for everyone we come into contact with, so we can make a difference in the world. The world needs us WOKE and sharing our gifts.  Hell yeah!

We can tend to go through life ‘as if’ everything is on an even keel and THEN life throws us a curve-ball – a life shock. As I reflect upon this year, I certainly feel that it has been a collective life shock. and we need to TAKE OUR POWER BACK. going forward into 2021.

Are you ready?

I’m a firm believer that we MAKE time for what is important to us. If we don’t ignite our purpose and CREATE our lives from an energetic heartfelt space – then we will end up living our lives by default, then we can’t really complain how it’s turned out!

Are there changes that you want to make in 2021 in your career, job or other area of your life? Do you want make space for more creativity? Develop a meditation or spiritual practice – this is life purpose, creating more magic in our lives.

You might not be sure exactly WHAT you want to create YET but you know you are destined for more! Congratulations, that’s a great starting point!

As a life coach I can help you get clear on your next steps, set goals and help you to achieve them!

As a Life Purpose and Spirituality Coach, I LOVE helping midlife women awaken to the next expression of their life purpose both in the professional and personal lives. I help midlife women gain clarity on what they want so that they can transform their lives.

Own where you are RIGHT now and where you want to be! You may be hitting your  40s, 50s or beyond and thinking “how the heck did that happen?! Maybe it’s all downhill from here.”  It’s NOT you can create a second half of your life that’s (even) better than the first! Acknowledging where you are is a great starting point.

12 Week Life Coaching Give Away!

I’m super excited to give away a FREE 12 WEEK COACHING SERIES!  To one AMAZING midlife woman who desires to create an incredible life in 2021!

This is for you if:

·  You’re stuck in a career or job - you want out, you want to change this, but you don’t know how to find your ideal career.

·  Having emerged from a life shock, such as a bereavement, a soul destroying divorce or serious ill health, you’ve woken up to wanting to change BUT you are not clear what this looks like, you recognize you need support.

·  You want to create change in another area of your life purpose such as your relationships, social, freedom from limiting beliefs BUT you need support to gain clarity on what that looks like and how to achieve it.

Sparked your interest?

Click the link below

Liz Keates