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Sound Healer & Life Coach

Live Your Life on Purpose!



Welcome I’m Liz

I’m a Sound Healer and Life Coach. I LOVE supporting women like you, because I can so relate. What happened to you knocked your confidence and self-esteem, and your critical thoughts are like gremlins holding you back.

Yet, deep down, at your core, you KNOW life has more in store for you. You have unique gifts to offer the world, your family and yourself!

I know how it takes courage to embody your personal power, to accept where you are right now, to own and integrate the fullness of who you are and who you desire to become. To live authentically and show up fully to your life.

My aim is to lovingly honour and embody all the parts of me so that I’m authentically aligned with who I really am. I love coaching and helping women like you to do this too. Owning the fact that YOU are worth creating and living an amazing life for!

As a Soul Purpose Coach and Sound Healer I love to support women like you, who are tired of playing small and settling for less, to fall back in love with life and yourself, gain clarity and confidence. So YOU can show up to you life fully, thriving rather than existing.

We still live in a world where being, or identifying as a woman, is challenging enough. Being from an any minority group, brings its unique challenges as well as enriched culture and blessings. My ethnicity is Romany Gypsy, and I continue to explore and understand how this impacts my identity. It’s a lifelong journey.

Love your future more than your past
— Dr Joe Dispenza

You’re bored and exhausted from years of conditioning, programming, fitting in and people pleasing. Let’s face it, it’s tiring to dilute who you are…

You are now ready to strut centre stage of your life - be YOU.

YET something is holding you back. Self-doubt, fears of judgement, worry that maybe you aren’t good enough, smart enough, positive enough – fill in the ------

I’m VERY happy you are here – you are SO in the right place! My THREE MONTH package will give you what you need to get on track to creating a life you love.

I’ll give you the space, support and accountability to shift and transform to more JOY and authenticity. You can and will rock your weird!

Not fully embracing who you are at soul level is taking it’s toll, it’s exhausting, it’s costing you and the price is too high…

It’s zapping your energy, impacting your work, career choices, socialising, relationships and your limiting beliefs are holding you back - BIG TIME!


Imagine A Life Where You…

Own who you are with confidence, prowess and are in full alignment.

Landing an amazing job you didn’t have the confidence to go for in the past

Say YES to the exciting trip with your girlfriends to Costa Rica!

Say “No thank you” unapologetically without over explaining your reasons.

Say YES to thing that bring you happiness and fulfillment. Putting your needs first unapologetically minus the guilt trip. Let’s face it, the seemingly little things mattter as the little things that add to be the BIG things!

It’s EXHAUSTING fitting in, people pleasing and putting up with all the shit!

You don’t have to struggle alone, hoping that you’ll work it out. As you grow in confidence to be more fully your energy changes and you, and those around you and YOU will feel the difference!

And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears
— Mark Anthony

It gives you the confidence to get the job done.

I’ll give you the space, support and accountability to shift and transform to more JOY and authenticity. You can and will rock your weird!


Ancient Egypt

2023 Sound Healing Pilgrimage, we sang, we danced and we drummed into the evening.

Fuerteventura Sand Dunes

The joy of Mother Nature


 You have lived long enough to know that only you can make the necessary changes to create a life that puts a spring in your step. YET you recognise that you need support to gain clarity to get you to where you want to be - THRIVING not just surviving.  

You may have ‘woken up’ in midlife - thinking “how the heck did that happen?! Maybe the best years of my life are over.”  I’m here to tell you that you can create a second half of your life that’s even better than the first!

If you want the fizz back in your champagne, to reconnect to yourself and to gain clarity, develop a spiritual practice, I’m here to help, let’s do this!

You may have self-doubt, a harsh inner-critic that tells you you’re not good enough. Or you are fearful of failure and even success!  I feel you, I have that too, BUT I’m here to say that you can overcome and succeed despite this.

I’ve got your back sister! 

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver
Liz Keates My Story

What I’ve Learnt

When I was diagnosed with a rare breast cancer in 2015, everything changed. This life shock woke me up big time to some home truths.  

Following the initial shock of my diagnosis, I navigated multiple surgeries, including a mastectomy. I took time to heal and I began to reflect on my life. This led me to awakening, insights and then to taking some massive action, which led me where I am today. Read an article of my experience here.

Although unexpected and unwanted,  life shocks, are HUGE opportunities for awakening, change, growth & transformation.

You need not to be a victim of your past circumstance. As you awaken, you can learn great lessons, embody profound wisdom and own your personal power. I’m here to support you to alchemise your challenges into your superpower.

Stop living Someone Else’s Version Of who you Should Be. Start creating a life you desire!

How I Can Help You!

I am proud to say that I’m a Beautiful You Life Coach and qualified Resonant Sound Healer I have a Masters degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling and have 10 years’ experience as a Counsellor and Mindfulness Teacher. All of this informs and enhances my work as a coach, sound healer and space holder.

I unapologetically have a variety of passions. Life Coaching enables me to use my skills, training, intuitive & natural gifts to help women delve deep and connect to who they truly are and wish to become. Ultimately to be in alignment, happy, successful. I assist women to cultivate the skills, self-esteem and vitality to create a life of your dreams.

Sound Healing and Mother Nature are my greatest teachers and healers. A passionate Sound Healer I use the intuitive expression of sound to release stress, anxiety, release and blocked energy and facilitate relaxation. I love holding sacred space for women, through powerful coaching and via my in person Sound Bath offerings in Sussex.


“If this is it, am I happy with my legacy?
I satisfied with how I lived, expressed myself, treated other and what I personally achieved?”

The answers to these questions continue to lead me on my path of self-acceptance, exploration and seeking. where I began to more fully connect to my life’s purpose, to be in alignment with who I am as a soul and help others on there path.

You can create a life of your dreams - The best expression You!

Liz Keates Moon and Flower

Get to know me a little more

  • Volunteering

    In 1993-94 I volunteered within a Hispanic Community in Los Angeles, California. Where I met the most incredible people from Mexico, Venezuela, Equator, Argentina, Chile and many other parts of Central and South America.

  • Background

    I’m from a working class background and a first generation University graduate. I also gained a Master’s Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling.

  • Counselling

    I worked as a Counsellor for 10 years, in Higher Education, Charity Sector and private practice. Working with my clients was incredibly rewarding – a privilege.

  • Soul Mate

    I met my soul mate 22 years ago. We got married in 2007 on the beautiful island of Santorini, Greece, overlooking the stunning Caldera; we've been navigating this thing called life ever since! We live in beautiful rural East Sussex, England

  • Travelling

    In 2011, I took 7 months leave from work to travel in South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and South America on a whirlwind world tour! We also visited the Galapagos as environmental volunteers, which was an incredibly rewarding experience and privilege.

  • Cancer Thriver!

    I am a cancer thriver! 9 years and counting! My toughest experience to date, yet I’m grateful for the learning and awakening.

  • Spiritual Awakening

    Following my cancer diagnosis, I had a spiritual awakening, which is on going ever evolving and deepening. I ritually follow moon cycles, attend sacred sound and drumming circles and I love oracle cards and crystals. Most importantly, I enjoy spending time in heart-centred meditation, mindful time in nature and gardening.

  • Life Long Learner

    I’m unashamedly a multi-passionate woman and a lifelong learner. It’s my life purpose to help others find theirs’ and lead their best midlife and beyond!

  • Passions

    I’m passionate about Sound Healing and incorporate it into my Green Space Mindfulness . I love playing myand other events. I enjoy playing my shamanic drum and Native Style American flute.

  • Mindfulness

    I’ve been practicing Mindfulness, and more recently other forms of meditation, for over 15 years. It’s a very important part of my life. I love sharing this with others too!

  • My Website & Brand Colours

    The colours on my website and my brand are based on my mastectomy cover up tattoo!

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