Do you suffer from analysis paralysis? How to avoid the pain of indecision

We’ve all been there, or perhaps you are right now?

You can’t make a decision about something that feels like an insurmountably BIG decision, or even something that relatively small. These dilemmas can keep us up at night (big vs small is of course relative to our emotional attachment to it)

Of course the wise option is to tune in to our heart, our inner wisdom, be STILL, go inside and tune in to that lies beneath the often tumultuous surface – this is where we receive guidance and where the truest essence of ourselves resides.

Taking care to RESIST the seduction of our often relentless negative self-talk that often ties us up in knots, anxiety and good ‘ole circular thinking, which ultimately gets us nowhere – very frustrating!

As over 90 % of our thoughts are repetitive, unhelpful and the same as the day before! When taking this into consideration it’s a wiser choice to do something different rather than to try and think our way out of it!

My own experience has shown me that it is better to make a decision (perhaps without sharing it, if others are involved) and sit with that decision, knowing that I don’t have to go ahead with it, I can change my mind. I may sleep on it, meditate on it or just see how it “sits” with me.

I find that extended indecision holds a chaotic energy, it’s anxiety provoking and stressful.  SO once I’ve reflected upon the options, this is what I tend to do. I’ve found it so useful – sometimes it reveals that the decision is bang on the money and sometimes it’s not, giving me the opportunity to change course.

Over analysing and extended indecision take up so much time and energy, plus it can be very uncomfortable. It’s a wasted resource that we can ill afford at any time, especially during midlife, as it often results in being unfruitful. So isn’t it worth trying something different? And remember when we try something new it takes time to embed, we may find ourselves back in circular thinking. When this happens be kind to yourself and I invite you to consider these useful tips and put this tip into action.


Useful tips to help overcome analysis paralysis !


-        Most of our decisions are reversible, we can change our minds or course correct. It’s important to remind ourselves of this, as it can take the pressure off, reminding ourselves that stress can affect our ability to think clearly and make decisions. Asking ourselves what is the worst that can happen and what’s the best that can happen. The answer to these questions can inform us of the potential risks and of course benefits of any decision!


-        When feeling indecisive allow yourself time to reflect upon it, the pros and cons, write your list,  talk it through or wherever process you find helpful. BUT resist getting caught up in the circular thinking. If this happens, forgive yourself we are human after all ;) Stop and change your energy. Interrupt the programme of  the hamster wheel of thoughts that get you nowhere. Go for a walk in nature, listen to music, do something that nourishes you or do an act of service for someone else. Then consider taking action in a different way – some suggestions below.


-        Make a decision. E.g YES I’m taking the job. Sense how that immediately feels in your body. Take some time feel into your decision, meditate on it, getting STILL in some way to allow some space to see what arises. You can always change your mind.


-        Sleep on it! It’s an old saying for a reason. During the sleeping process our brain takes the opportunity to process our unconscious thoughts. Often things become clearer if we take our mind off it and allow space and a night’s sleep.


-        Talk your dilemma through with someone you trust, such as a friend, a coach or counsellor, knowing that the decision always must come from you – no none else. These options are to help you explore, get clear, and it’s incredible that often when we talk it through, especially with a trained professional, that something may arise from a powerful question you have been asked  which cuts to your core. Sometimes just from the process of talking it through.


If you are feeling indecisive and ready to get clear on your next steps, unblock what’s holding you back, so that you can create more meaning in midlife. Reach out and book a no-obligation FREE call, to explore working with me, I’d love to jump on a call with you!

Liz Keates