Life shock to Life Shift - Podcast

I loved this deep dive conversation with Carla about the transformative journey of a life shock. For those of you who’ve followed me for a while will know that I experienced a huge life shock in 2015, when I received a rare breast cancer diagnosis.

In this episode we explore the transformative journey that happens when we experience unexpected upheavals and challenges or what I refer to as a life shock. I share my personal experiences of facing a major life shock and how this transformed my life, which led to an awakening and a shift from survival to thriving!

Have you ever experienced a sudden loss, breakdown of a relationship, or a health crisis or scare that left you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future? In the past few years we have all experienced a collective life shock, which we of course have experienced individually as well.

If so, this episode is for you! During this episode I share insights on how to navigate the uncertainly or a life shock as best as you can, whilst developing resistance and owning the lessons learned and gems of insight that will be revealed in the wake of huge upheaval and change.

Whether you're seeking how you may harness what follows your life shock into a powerful and transformations journey or if you are wanting to receive some inspiration and motivation, this conversation will provide you with the tools inspiration.

It was a sheer joy to have this conversations and open up to Carla, and ultimately you all. I truly hope that it’s inspires you, helps you shift into your mindset toward the possibilities that reveal themselves following a life shock.

Watch Podcast here!

Big Love, brave soul

Liz xx

p.s. I’d love to hear your thoughts once you’ve listened. And if you are ready to transform your life following a life shock or massive upheaval, know that I’m here for you. I’d cherish the opportunity to jump onto a call and have a chat to see how I can support you.

Liz Keates